Tag Archives: noob

Oil + Noobs = Slurm FTW!!!

boiling_point_jpgWell the title pretty much sums up my T2 Open RvR experience last night. I was in the midst of questing to get my Engineer to level 20 (which I did, thankyaverymuch). At one point, I had to go from the warcamp in Barak Varr to the camp near the big gate public quest. I saw on the map that there was an option to take a road south and then loop back north through a mountain pass and out to the camp where my quest would end. I also saw that I could simply run through the Open RvR zone and be there in about half the time. Hmmm, risk of ganking vs time save….

I went into the lake and within 2 minutes was jumped by a pair of witch elves who gave me no chance to live.

I figured if I went back in with a plan of being ganked I would stand a better chance (even though bolstered, they were only around level 12, and I should be able to take at least 1 down with me). After re-entering the ORvR area, I happened to see a full group running by the fort on their way to the battlefield objective. I steered clear. I continued onto my original objective to complete my quest and what do i find? one of the Witch Elves. She dies.

I then notice that the keep is being seiged by the group that had ran by moments before. OOH heres an opportunity. I ran as fast as my little drawven stumps could take me and popped into the keep. I then proceed up to the second level and placed my oil above the door (never leave home without it). A few spills later and the whole group goes down. Slurm wins.


Funny thing is: they came back twice and did it again. Yummy XP.