Tag Archives: turkey day

Slurms Corner…

Hello all!slurms-corner

I haven’t posted all week because its simply been very busy in real life and when I do get time at the computer, I just want to play! I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving holiday and got to spend some quality time with those you love, whether that be spouse, parents, children, grandparents, aunts or uncles, friends, or virtual opponents in the ring of battle. I, unlike others (lookin’ at you Shad!), didn’t take it easy of the eats this year, especially not the Pumpkin pie, of which I at a whole one (not in one sitting of course). Its one of my favorite things, and I only get one time a year to eat it, and its at Thanksgiving. The pumpkin roll came in a close second this year in the pounds devoured, almost had an upset but the pie is still Turkey Day champ, 28 years running. Cake is still > than pie just to set the record straight.

Alright, down to WAR bidness…

This time in Slurms corner, instead of fun links, I have some interesting screenshots. The first of which came during a keep raid we attended in Avalorn. After taking one of the objectives, I jumped down the hill only to find myself trapped under the terrain:

Journey to the Center of Avalorn

As some of you may know, I have been having some graphical issues with the game since it came out. Its always seemed to simply be a matter of not being able to load the textures fast enough. My worst areas are anything with large amounts of foliage (Troll Country kills my framerate). The killer about this is that I run a 3 gig Intel Core 2 Duo with 2 gigs of ram, 2 sata drives in RAID 0 and 2 8800 GT’s in SLI…I know its not a monster Rig, but I shouldnt be having any problems. Well, every time Nvidia comes out with a new driver I get all hopeful (try as I might to suppress the eagerness for the drivers to work like a magic wand). This is what the new drivers did for me after installing them Friday:

Patchwork Textures!

Funny thing with the tuxtres is that they changed as you moved, it was as if my dwarf had something funny in his /special pipe.

Not so much a funny screenshot, but I like it:

Slurm, hunting wabbits

Me and the Juddster went questing and queueing and I took this while we DOMINATED at the Temple of Isha. I wish I had taken a screenshot of the 500 to 20 score. Whooos hoooouse, Sluuurms hooouse…


I AM THE GREAT AND POWERFUL OZ,…er uh, don’t worry about the man behind the curtain, umm OZ HAS SPOKEN!!

The Wizard of Shad

See you in game!