Heavy Metal…

Mythic has used the money spent by the gold spammers (well, the money leftover from the purchase of Marks new car) to expediate the tanks that were once removed from the game and reintroduce them in the best way possible…another live event!!


oops wrong kind of heavy metal…

aahh here it is…HEAVY METAL!!!

Seems like a good idea. Im honestly don’t think I will be busting my hump to do a weeks worth of daily quests in order for 1 week of extra play time on the new tanks. (im not sure if I plan on playing either of them anyways), BUT if there is anyone in the guild who would LOVE to make a Knight of The Really Long Class Name (im telling ya you shouldve went with The Knights Panther Mythic!!!) and has admirations on making this a possible main, I am willing to blow the dust off of the lvl 6 Warrior Priest if you’d like some healing.

One note I crinkled my nose at was that the new RvR scenario (Reikland) will only be open for the duration of the live event. BOOO (i guess no open RvR that week)

All I can say is if Mythic can keep churning out live events once a month, then I dont see me finding another home anytime soon. (but just make them better than the Witching Night thx!)

Witching Night…day 1…

I was excited all day yesterdat because I wanted to see the Witching Night event in action. Well I got on as soon as I could muster (right after the kids go to bed) and ran right off to my nearest Open RvR area to see what all the hubub was about.

I saw probably 200 people running around killing eachother.

While I thought it was great to see that many people in ORvR, I also thought it was a little dissapointing that it was simply RVR Deathmatch. There was no goal to be seen. When the PQ for the event finnaly popped, it was in such a small area that there was no way that everyone was going to be in the PQ radius at once. The other problem was that it took so long to pop, and it was completed faster that you can imagine (as if we were in a scenario that only made you score 50 points).

I may only speak for myself with this problem, but It was lag-city for me. At one point I could see everyone moving around, but thats it. I saw no one fighting, no casting, no dying,….nothing but people just running around. THEN the packet finnaly caught up and I saw every action that had taken place in that 5 minutes of running around. It was kindof neat seeing my xp bar grow like that.

Again, it was great to see people run in open RvR, but I wish it was a little more constructive than that. I almost wonder if Mythic said “well, we dont think more than like 50 people will go out into the lakes for the event, this should be fine.” One thing that could have helped is if they placed this form of PQ in EVERY lake, not just one per Tier.

I think tonight I will attempt to find the mobs needed to kill for the influance prizes (as a side note, I never saw my INF move during all of the open RvR last night….bugged? or did I happen to not be in the 20′ x 20′ patch of space for the reward to catch?).

If I have no luck finding the mobs, i’ll give the rvr another try. If this doesnt pan out, I think i’ll just boycott the event and go run quests and scenarios.

Hey Mythic! Hotfix the event!

Here’s an idea…

I was sitting at work doing my once a week mundane computer task (kind of like a kill quest, but instead of kill 10 Unholy Flesheaters, it was enter 400 pieces of data), and a thought came to me.

More than just a thought about an improvement to the game, it was an idea for an ad campaign. Its probably too late at this point with just a couple weeks to go in the presidential election, but, with there being just 2 sides in this Realm vs Realm game, I thought it would be neat to see an Order vs Destruction political ad campaign hit the air. The timing could have been perfect with the end of the free month. Maybe it could have pulled in some late buys, maybe not. But I think it would have been great fun seeing political smearing of the 2 sides of a video game.

While this would be hilarious, the trick would have been not to make any direct ties to the real life race for the white house (like saying that one of the realms is the advocate of Change, or making a reference to Joe the Witch Hunter). But by mirroring how the ad campaigns are ran, it could show just how rediculous they are. I for one am pretty much done with the real life campaign, and could use some laughter about the whole situation.

Experience Enhancements III…

OOH lookie,

The latest from the Dev team stated that we will now be receiving even MORE exp for killing in Open RvR. In fact, we will see DOUBLE the exp that we get for a kill in scenario RvR. If they implement an increased amount of loot drops (which WAS hinted at in the state of the game address) I think I may just park myself in open RvR zones from here untill 40.

I plan on going out into one of the lakes tonight and seeing how the action is. Now that there is Region and RvR chat, I’m starting to notice more poeple filling up my chatbox with messages of action. Last night while waiting on scenarios to pop, I was standing in the Marshes of Madness and saw nemerous messages about the keep there being under attack. When I opened my map I saw alot of crossed swords (it was like opening the frontier map in DAoC when there was tons of action.

If anyone want to join me tonight feel free, I plan on at least making a couple runs and to see what I can do at this level (currently 19) and to determine if having the mount first would a huge difference.

See you in game!

Witching Night…

For those who have not seen anything about it yet heres the link:

Witching Night

I, personally, am pretty excited about the first live event. I hope most of us can be on for it cause I plan on running out to Open RvR and anywhere else that stuff may be happening. I can only hope that Mythic can keep live events like this comming. Stuff like this creates those “water-cooler” moments that we love and remember for years. I still remember the big invasion event that City of Heroes had before one of the big game updates. Having the whole city be attacked by aliens was one of the most memorable gaming moments I’ve had.


The reroll…part duex…

It was another night of alt rolling (possibly mains? dun dun duuuuuuun)

There was some concern that the Archmage may not have the bestest healing potential for the group, so Shad decided to try the Rune Priest. Time will tell if this was a permanent move or just a trial. The group rolled last night was:

2 Rune Priests (one of which marked the return of…KRAKEN!!!!!!)

1 Ironbreaker

1 Swordmaster

1 White Lion

1 Bright Wizzy

I hope im not forgetting anyone…

It seems we are going more balance with this group. We have plenty o’ healin’ with 2 Runepriests, lots of meat up front with the Ironbreaker and the Swordmaster, and DPSes with the Bright Wizzy and the White Lion. On top of this (if the group works out) we have even more DPS from Marv with HIS White Lion, Shmitty could mow through fools with HIS Swordmaster (or if he goes back to the Warrior Priest we could have some great utility), more healing from Mr. Zonic, and WHATS THIS!?!? Mark has a Swordmaster as well??? We may have to rename Doppler “The Abrams Factory” because of the tankage.

This is great though, we have a solid base of characters which we can work from. I think I speak for at least half the guild by saying most of us will play whatever is needed to make the group work, but I’d say we need to work on what we want to play for sure in order to actually get these characters leveled. (I for one am sick of Tier 2)

See you in game…

Interesting thought…

Our fearless leader Shad had a thought a couple nights ago, and when I was going through the usual blogs I came accross a similar thought and started to wonder just how many people are comming up with this possible solution for Mythic…

Increased bag drops

It seems like a simple solution to some complaints out there that there is just too few drops from PvE and RvR. When we had more than a full group last night doing a PQ in Ostland, we completed the quest and 4 green bags dropped as a reward. So only half the people get rewarded for partaking in the PQ. Doesn’t it make more sense to give a reward for EVERYONE participating? Of course this should bar anyone doing under a certain amount of healing/damage, but at the very least give anyone involved a white bag.

This could also be applied to open RvR situations (keep raiding). There is a growing complaint that there can be 100+ people raiding a keep, but only a handful of people get rewarded for it.

What I would like to see? I think they need to keep a limited number of high level drops for people who went the distance in a keep raid, but EVERYONE involved gets SOME form of reward. Even if its a white or green bag in order to get some higher end crafting mats (i definitely think a green bag should be minimum for participating in RvR). I also think (if its not already in place, I dont know because I have yet to raid a keep) that the keep lord, any champs in the keep, and the hero’s at the small open RvR camps should have a garunteed drop(s) (keep lord would always have a blue/purple drop) on top of the bags.

Solutions may be comming in the way of the new RvR/PQ/exp thingy that Mark talked about in the state of the game address. He mentioned that they would be implementing a reward system like what the PQ’s have, but in the RvR areas. This may be a part of the solution……i hope.

Slurm’s Corner…

Hey all, its time for Slurms Corner, the random thought spot…

I’ll try to have a weekly installment of this section and it will just be for any thoughts, links to fun stuff or just anything that doesn’t fit anywhere else.

First off, news from Blizzard about Starcraft 2 and how they will combat the stock market drop by increasing their revenue:

Keen and Graev on the Blizzard Cash Cow…

Someone posted a great Idea for married couples over at Kotaku (I pitched the idea to the wife but she was not ammused…)

For your next anniversary…

Here’s an oldy but a goody for those that want to remember why we quit AoC. (Warning, language!!!…and if you haven’t seen any of the Zero Punctuation reviews before now….shame)

Age of Conan as reviewed by Yahtzee…

I’ll keep this one short. Let me know what you think!