Tag Archives: scenario

Another brick in the wall…

wallIt’s been a while since I’ve participated in Morkain’s Temple. Once my Engineer hit 20 I pretty much gave up on it because I think about half his experience in Tier 2 was in that one scenario. I was burnt out. I really didn’t want to go back, but last night I faced hard times.

I’m attempting to level my Warrior Priest in somewhat of a hurry. I at least want to get him to 25 by the end of next week (currently at the time of this writing I am 17) I just want to get him on par with where my Engi was and then I can resume my normal pace. In my expidiated attempt to level, I went with the mindset; “I’ve already done these quests (alot of them anyways) just click and run, don’t read the details, just do them as fast as possible.” So I did, and at level 16.8 I ran out of Empire quests. I thought to myself what the next step should be and I had a couple options. I either go quest in the Elven and Drawven lands, or run scenarios. I went with the third option and ran off to quest in the Marshes of Madness and queued up.

After being queued for about 10 minutes I got my first pop into Mourkain. This would be one run out of four for the night, and one of three that we would lose horribly, one was so bad I only got 550 exp (yeah that was worth my time). What I found aggravating about the events last night was the human wall. I don’t remember the wall being so prevelent in my past experiences and I chalk this up to two factors:

1. I haven’t ran scenarios as a melee class in quite some time. Last time I did was as a Witch Hunter and I spent most of my time running behind the scened messing with casters.

2. More tanks…lots more tanks. Since im effectively leveling my WP along par with the new tank classes, theres a different sort of balance in the game. There used to ever only be about 4 +/- 1 tanks in any scenario I ever ran in the past. Now add about 3 more. When you run up against 2 groups, half of them are tanks.

I know the collision detection is in the game for a reason. Last night showed me that it works as intended when used properly, and I LOVE IT. There was one scenario in particular in which I was attempting to close in on the rock carrier and was stopped by the 1976 Pittsburgh Steelers. There were 3 Black Guards, 2 Black Orcs and a Chosen who all thought I was the biggest threat in the zone. It was like a flock of kids in the summertime and I was the ice cream man. There was even one moment when a Black Guard died, but before I had a chance to hop over his corpse to freedom, another filled in the gap and kept me stuck untill I was laying next to his fallen brother.

You might be thinking, “Slurm, you said it was aggrivating, but,…you love it?” Yes, it was by far one of THE most aggrivating experiences I have had in the game thus far. I was held down like I was rooted via a spell but in fact it was merely line of players using the collision system. It sucks when It happens to you, but when you do it to others, it’s gotta be great.

See you in game!

Guild XP gain…

mathishard…a.k.a “There goes my Theory”.

For a while now I have been wondering why guild XP moves so slow. You could say that, in our case, its probably due to the low number of active members we have in the guild. I still think this is partially true, but there is one aspect of guild XP gain that I have felt was acting against us, but it turns out I was wrong. I had thought that if you had inactive members in the guild, that it actually slowed the pace at which your guild would gain XP. A la’ “if you have more inactives or alts, you gain less XP based on the number inactive while XP was being gained by those active”. Or something like that. BUT over on the Warhammer Alliance forums, a Dev popped in to set the record straight:

Q. My fellow guild officers and I are having a ‘discussion’ about whether or not we should alts in the guild. How does guild leveling work, exactly? Would having a bunch of extra inactive characters cause our guild to level more slowly than if we were all active?

A. No, having inactive characters in your guild roster won’t slow down your guild advancement. A guild gains experience and ranks through the actions of its members. Anytime members earn experience and/or renown the guild earns experience as well. So having a battalion of inactive alts is not a detriment to your guild’s ability to level.

You can read the entire post here:

Missy from Mythic discussing the guild XP system

Unfortunatly, she doesnt give any juicy details on how XP is actually calculated (other than to say that you can get it from gaining XP or Renown. She didnt want to give any details on it due to the possibility of the system being exploited. Which basically means that there IS something specific that can be done to increase the pace of your XP gain, and if you figure it out, you get the cuffs!

I have seen guilds with 15 members be rank 20 and guilds with 100 members be rank 15. I have yet to come accross anyone who has stated they found the magic way of gaining guild XP, but id be willing to bet that its simply a matter of guild members grouping frequently, and completing events (scenarios/keep seige/PQ). Who knows, but all I know is…

I just want my cloak.


grand_poobahI believe Mythic wants to make certain that 1.0.5 is done right and will test its brains out. But, its seems that there are some goodies that Mythic knew we didnt want to wait for and are releasing them via 1.0.4b.

Heres the patch notes.

-First off it seems that Mythic has taken my suggestion to add more loot bags for keep taking. (yeah im sure it was just me that suggested it AND they read this blog…naysayers!) I say Kudos, I think If 1 full group could possibly take a keep, each member deserves a bag, but regardless of how many people are on the raid, you now have twice the chance at a nice reward.

-Population balance between Scenarios?!?!? YAAAAY! Hopefully this will put them popping on an even keel. I’m actually quite thankful before we get our rerolled characters to tier 3. I played some scenarios in T3 with the Witch Hunter and I can attest that YES, Tor Anroc is the only one that pops during peak hours….and I dont like it. I have had the chance to play a couple of the other T3 Scenarios are they were a BLAST! Cant wait to get the Engineer to 22 and start rockin’.

-And the only other fantastic news was the addition to Rally Masters at all Warcamps….HOORAH! Only question I have is: Are there currently Warcamps in zones that we could not fly to that will now enable us to fly there? (did that make sense?) For example: There is a Elf Zone that we could not fly to as Order, is this now open to us? Because I’d love to do some Questing there, I just never went because it made me feel somewhat stuck there. (I hate running after tasting the speed of a mount). Regardless….this addition of flight paths will surely quell the anger of our grand poo-bah.

See you in game!

Witching Night…day 1…

I was excited all day yesterdat because I wanted to see the Witching Night event in action. Well I got on as soon as I could muster (right after the kids go to bed) and ran right off to my nearest Open RvR area to see what all the hubub was about.

I saw probably 200 people running around killing eachother.

While I thought it was great to see that many people in ORvR, I also thought it was a little dissapointing that it was simply RVR Deathmatch. There was no goal to be seen. When the PQ for the event finnaly popped, it was in such a small area that there was no way that everyone was going to be in the PQ radius at once. The other problem was that it took so long to pop, and it was completed faster that you can imagine (as if we were in a scenario that only made you score 50 points).

I may only speak for myself with this problem, but It was lag-city for me. At one point I could see everyone moving around, but thats it. I saw no one fighting, no casting, no dying,….nothing but people just running around. THEN the packet finnaly caught up and I saw every action that had taken place in that 5 minutes of running around. It was kindof neat seeing my xp bar grow like that.

Again, it was great to see people run in open RvR, but I wish it was a little more constructive than that. I almost wonder if Mythic said “well, we dont think more than like 50 people will go out into the lakes for the event, this should be fine.” One thing that could have helped is if they placed this form of PQ in EVERY lake, not just one per Tier.

I think tonight I will attempt to find the mobs needed to kill for the influance prizes (as a side note, I never saw my INF move during all of the open RvR last night….bugged? or did I happen to not be in the 20′ x 20′ patch of space for the reward to catch?).

If I have no luck finding the mobs, i’ll give the rvr another try. If this doesnt pan out, I think i’ll just boycott the event and go run quests and scenarios.

Hey Mythic! Hotfix the event!

Experience Enhancements III…

OOH lookie,

The latest from the Dev team stated that we will now be receiving even MORE exp for killing in Open RvR. In fact, we will see DOUBLE the exp that we get for a kill in scenario RvR. If they implement an increased amount of loot drops (which WAS hinted at in the state of the game address) I think I may just park myself in open RvR zones from here untill 40.

I plan on going out into one of the lakes tonight and seeing how the action is. Now that there is Region and RvR chat, I’m starting to notice more poeple filling up my chatbox with messages of action. Last night while waiting on scenarios to pop, I was standing in the Marshes of Madness and saw nemerous messages about the keep there being under attack. When I opened my map I saw alot of crossed swords (it was like opening the frontier map in DAoC when there was tons of action.

If anyone want to join me tonight feel free, I plan on at least making a couple runs and to see what I can do at this level (currently 19) and to determine if having the mount first would a huge difference.

See you in game!