Open for business…

openWell, we officially opened our guild doors to newcomers.  We figured with the rate at which our guild rank was moving (we want an emblem!), and the benefit we could gain from for a wider array of classes, that we could add a few scapegoa…er, meatshie…um, assets to our ranks. We are sure to be slow in the expansion proccess due to the nature of our core group. We have been playing various games together for the better part of 6 years now  (wow really??) and are pretty tightly knit. SO, for anyone who happens to come accross this website or the post on the VN Boards (ill link later) heres your invite, just send one of us a message in-game, and well get the ball rolling

Heres a couple facts that may possibly rule out potentials:

No cussin! – Its not that we dont cuss, we just dont swear in game (escpecially not in Vent). Most of us have kids in the background at times and dont want them to overhear.

No drama! – If you start drama, you are kicked from the guild, plain and simple. What constitutes as drama is up to the powers that be (usually its a case by case scenario). If you dont like it…Id suggest not joining. We really want to keep a fun relaxed environment and if anyone feels uncomfortable logging in due to a certain person…we wont think twice about resolving the issue with an iron fist.

No discussion of politics and religion! – We all have seperate views on these subjects and discussing them can tend to lead to arguing which leads to DRAAAMAAAAA!!!. So, if youd like to discuss these topics, feel free to do it in tells, or in a seperate channel in vent, but if it causes the parties involved to become uncomfortable in-game… we will go to fourth down…boot.

Those are the big three, im sure if I forgot something Ill be asked to add it in later.

See you in game!

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