Slurm’s Corner…

Welcome to another exciting episode of randomness!!!slurms-corner-2

First off, I would just like to say that nothing can make a father prouder than when he receives confirmation that his son or daughter actually pays attention to what he says. We are still working on potty training my 2 year old daughter and as she finishes, she stands up…looks into the potty and gets a proud look in the eye before she cries out, “Daddy! I dropped a deuce!!”

My wife….was….thrilled.

But anywho, time for links to stuff thats just plain fun…to me…

First off, for those of us who have played ANY of the Ultima games, you may or may not know that the creator of those games (Lord British) is back from his journey. What journey do you speak of Slurm? His visit to the international space station duh!

So you’re back, from outer space I just walked in to find you here with that sad look upon your face…

I have not delved into this website (seems that its just a guilds website), But I just had to post this due to being one of the funniest names EVAH:

Mmmmm tasty

And finnaly I just wanted to comment about something very near and dear to my heart. Its something that is seen by some (and by some I mean me) as more important than the big election today. Some people go through life questioning “what it all means”, and “is there a point” and then life affirming events like this take place. I, of course, am talking about…

…Todays new release.

Hopefully its not the last.


…otherwise known as “I hope this isn’t the reroll part 3”

OK roll call:

DPS: Check – We have a White Lion, Witch Hunter/Engineer (depending on which route I go), and two Bright Wizzies

TANKS: Check – An Ironbreaker and two Swordmasters

HEALS: Tried to check but the pencil tip broke – We have a Runepriest, and an Archmage whose Internet is borked. COME BACK TO US ZONIC!!!

I hope Zonic DOES get the network issues fixed, and that he comes back to us, because otherwise Shad gonna be angry….you dont wanna make him angry…

So, questions I have regarding the future:

-Does anyone know if Zonic has great intentions of coming back once his ISP problems are solved?

-Who would not be objective to rolling a healer? And by rolling a healer, I mean rolling a healer as their MAIN. I know Grom’s “I’d rather cancel my subscription” feeling. I mostly share the same attitude, although I WOULD play a Warrior Priest (quite happily) even thought this offers little healing, mostly the WP is “in case of emergency break glass for heals” .

-If we get our Zonic back (iwantmyzonicbackzonicbackzonicback….ribs) we probably don’t need to worry about any of this, and that leads me to question number 2. How long do you think we should wait before someone rolls a healer?

If push comes to shove, I’ll suck it up and roll a Runepriest, but in return you must all name your firstborn some form of the name Slurm.

Let me know, so I can sleep again….

Character Transfers…

Hey all,

In case you were not on last night and happen to see this post before logging in, we have moved our Destruction characters.

With the transfers being offered right now by Mythic, we chose to move the Kragg characters to a server with (hopefully) more action. So, if you havnt done so yet, and don’t have any objections, you can move your characters from Kragg, to Monolith.

You can do this from the accounts page (theres a my account button on the patch screen if that makes it easier).

I don’t think theres a huge push to go back to Destruction, sorry Marv =((, but if we ever get the itch, at least we will be on a more populated server. (no more 45 minutes queue times for scenarios!!)

See you in game!