Tag Archives: 1.0.4


grand_poobahI believe Mythic wants to make certain that 1.0.5 is done right and will test its brains out. But, its seems that there are some goodies that Mythic knew we didnt want to wait for and are releasing them via 1.0.4b.

Heres the patch notes.

-First off it seems that Mythic has taken my suggestion to add more loot bags for keep taking. (yeah im sure it was just me that suggested it AND they read this blog…naysayers!) I say Kudos, I think If 1 full group could possibly take a keep, each member deserves a bag, but regardless of how many people are on the raid, you now have twice the chance at a nice reward.

-Population balance between Scenarios?!?!? YAAAAY! Hopefully this will put them popping on an even keel. I’m actually quite thankful before we get our rerolled characters to tier 3. I played some scenarios in T3 with the Witch Hunter and I can attest that YES, Tor Anroc is the only one that pops during peak hours….and I dont like it. I have had the chance to play a couple of the other T3 Scenarios are they were a BLAST! Cant wait to get the Engineer to 22 and start rockin’.

-And the only other fantastic news was the addition to Rally Masters at all Warcamps….HOORAH! Only question I have is: Are there currently Warcamps in zones that we could not fly to that will now enable us to fly there? (did that make sense?) For example: There is a Elf Zone that we could not fly to as Order, is this now open to us? Because I’d love to do some Questing there, I just never went because it made me feel somewhat stuck there. (I hate running after tasting the speed of a mount). Regardless….this addition of flight paths will surely quell the anger of our grand poo-bah.

See you in game!